Colwood detailers and control units are the gold standard in wood burning. Our collection of Colwood wood burning units provide reliable and steady heat, giving you the ability to make smooth strokes and fill-ins. A pyrographer can only be as good as their control unit, and thankfully with the Colwood Detailer or another Colwood control unit, you never have to worry about being held back by your wood burning equipment.

Shop our collection of individual Colwood control units below and be sure to check out our more extensive collection of Colwood kits online, where you can find your favorite control units packaged with popular handpieces and burning tips. The units below are perfect for those looking to replace their current control unit, upgrade to a more powerful unit, or are just looking for something new and exciting to get their hands on.

All Colwood wood burners are compatible with Colwood wood burning tips and handpieces. Here at Long Island Woodworking Supply, we have a huge selection of replaceable tips and fixed-tip handpieces so you can find exactly what you’re looking for at a price you love without having to make a trip to the woodworking store. Shop our site for all of the Colwood products you need!

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