When a 3” faceplate won’t cut it, be sure you have a 4” carbon steel faceplate on-hand to secure your workpiece to your lathe.
All novice and experienced woodturners know how important it is to have a quality holding device that is going to keep your workpiece in place while turning. You have a few options for lathe accessories to use for this job, including jaws, chucks, and faceplates. However, while jaws and chucks may work for some, many prefer the security that a carbon steel faceplate offers to a wood artisan. This faceplate with a 4” diameter is especially good for turning large bowls, plates, or other big projects. With 8 available holes to accommodate screws, your workpiece will be nice and sturdy when attached to this Oneway faceplate. Long Island Woodworking Supply is your one-stop-shop for woodturning supplies online, and this steel faceplate is the perfect woodworking accessory for woodturners everywhere.